Dedications and Epigraphs

Are you writing a dedication? Here are some memorable dedications and epigraphs (opening quotes) from our clients’ books.


Time changes all relationships. They bob like sailboats on a lake, rising and falling—some sinking. But I imagine that’s what keeps life interesting.

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To Robert, my eldest brother,
who has put his whole family on his shoulders
for over half a century

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For my family and those yet to come,
May you all be blessed with good character,
an appreciation for honest work,
and contentment.

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In memory of Jay
With hopes for all who seek rights and dignity
in a world of disability

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If I have seemed to forget anyone
in these pages,
I am sorry.

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Dedicated to my mother,
who has shown me how to survive in
any circumstances and has inspired me,
through her constancy and love,
to appreciate the opportunities my children
and I have been blessed with

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Dedicated to my grandfather Antonio
and Saint Anthony of Padua,
both of whom I have never met, yet have spoken to nearly
every day of my life for the last forty years.
Grazie mille.

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I think I surprised everyone, including
my mother-in-law, who said,
“Behind every successful man is a surprised mother-in-law,”
and my second grade teacher, Sister Mary Teresa,
bless their souls.

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For myself,
the process of writing this bereavement ballad gave tangible form to complicated memories and took the sting out of them.

And in memory of Brian, who left too soon.

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For my children: Perhaps there were some things I couldn’t say when you were growing up, some things I didn’t know how to say—like “I love you…”

For my parents: I know you always loved me—it was just kinda hard seeing it at times as I was growing up.

I also wish to dedicate this story to all of you who never gave up on me—
to those of you who loved me when I couldn’t love myself.

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Joy to those who remember their ancestors with gladness,
Who rejoice in their deeds,
Who entertain the listener with their greatness,
And who see themselves linked to the end of this chain.

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This book is dedicated to all of the people
who have had a relationship with Brooklyn and to all who would like to enjoy the spirit of Brooklyn. It is my hope that when you read it, you will be able to:
1. laugh
2. say uhh-huh
3. smile, and
4. enjoy

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Dedicated to Jane.
Jane’s life commitment to our marriage and family were critical to my success in my professional career, as outlined in these memoirs, and more importantly, in the still-untold story of our family. The fifty years we had together were the most important and wonderful years of my life.

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This book is dedicated to my mother,
Cecelia Joan.
Even though the odds were stacked against her all her life,
she always tried to help others.
Being human, she made mistakes like everyone else.
She was an excellent cook and a wonderful mother.

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Dedicated to these guys, Lucy, Aaron, Sarah, and Sam, who made me a mom, and
to Richard, who holds my string while I fly,
all my love

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To Alexander, Haleigh, Rebecca, and
all of the grandchildren of the world—
may you live life and enjoy it!​

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To Jackie,
who taught me to notice who isn’t in the room

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This book is dedicated to Pete,
my husband,
whose everlasting love
has made my life complete

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