Hilde Adler is a repeat client with Modern Memoirs. Her first book, a memoir entitled The Way It Was: not so long ago in a country not so far away, came out in 2011 and underwent several subsequent editions and reprints. The second book, entitled I Am Not Old Enough: The Twenty-seven Stages of Adjustment to Living in a Retirement Community, was published in 2019. We profiled Adler in a 2021 interview and now return to discuss her most recent project, completed in 2024, which reintroduced her first publication, The Way It Was, as a Digital Book. A Modern Memoirs Digital Book is an electronic replication of an original print book that is readable on any device. After printing and reprinting 450 copies of her book over the course of six years, Adler went paperless in a process that took just two weeks to complete. We asked the author to reflect on the new medium, and what it has meant to share her books in this format.
1. What inspired you to come back to Modern Memoirs to create a Digital Book edition of your memoir, The Way It Was?
Hilde Adler: I am running out of the printed copies of this book, but wanted to keep distributing it, as it seems more relevant than ever. I also thought it would be easier (and in the end, cheaper) to send a link to people than to send them the actual book. And I also thought I could reach more people with a digital version. So I remembered this option and thought it would work well for what I currently had in mind.
2. Digital Books are sharable via links and QR codes, and they can be sold at a price, or made available to readers free of charge or as “open source” publications. You chose the free option. What concerns, if any, did you need to overcome?
“I am running out of the printed copies of this book, but wanted to keep distributing it, as it seems more relevant than ever.”
Hilde Adler: It was never my intention to make money on this book or to sell it commercially. I intended, at first, to give it only to family and friends. I wanted to honor my parents and share their story. I thought that not enough attention had been paid to the life that Germany’s Jews lost because of Hitler. All the emphasis was (rightly so) on the horrible atrocities. But there was another story to tell as well. It surprised me that so many strangers became interested. I thought the one-time cost of having it digitized was worth it if I intended to share it more widely.
3. What advantages do Digital Books offer compared to print?
Hilde Adler: Easier and cheaper and somehow “more informal” to share.
4. Digital Books are paired with online author pages that provide a description of the book, an author biographical sketch, and a link and QR code that open the Digital Book. How did you go about writing the text for this page?
Hilde Adler: I tried to keep the page as simple and short as possible, and to give just enough information to suggest to a reader what the book is about.
5. How have you reached out to potential readers, and what kind of response have you received from them about the Digital Book edition of your memoir?
Hilde Adler: I have not yet shared this widely. The people with whom I have shared it digitally, have, for the most part, asked for it because they heard about it from somebody, and they have really appreciated getting it. This is especially true of a number of people in Germany to whom I’ve sent the link.
Curious about Adler’s Digital Book? Click here to read more about it on her online author page and to access the full text through its link and QR code.
Or, are you interested in creating a Digital Book of your own? Contact Modern Memoirs today to learn more about our economical and efficient process for book digitization.
Liz Sonnenberg is staff genealogist for Modern Memoirs, Inc.